Cyberattack Forensics and Incident Response
As an expert cyber attack response team, we are ready to assist with data breaches, ransomware attacks and business email fraud.
Contact DFI Forensics if you are experiencing a cyber attack anywhere in Canada or the United States. Our team of specialists is waiting to respond to you.

Data Breach
Many attacks on business networks are motivated by a desire to access and steal one of today’s most valuable commodities – information.
This involves theft of confidential business data, intellectual property, financial information, personal information belonging to your customers or clients and any data that can be used to acquire money or sold to the highest bidder.

Ransomware Attacks
Cyber threat actors will steal data and then encrypt your data and network. This can bring your organization to its knees and cast you back to the stone ages before you know what has happened.
These attacks require a swift response from an experienced team. DFI will collect the data and evidence needed to tell the story of the attack origin and to determine what data was stolen before the encryption took hold.
Additionally, our ransomware negotiation expert can assist in brokering a deal with the threat actor, often for a fraction of the initial amount demanded, should you need to pay the ransom to get your data back.

Business Email Compromise (BEC) Attacks
When a threat actor gains access to user accounts, they will impersonate users to fraudulently misdirect legitimate payments to or from your organization. These attacks can lead to enormous financial loss for a business and may involve a data breach as well.
DFI can conduct a swift and thorough investigation to determine how it happened, what the attacker did and how they were able to impersonate your personnel to commit or attempt to commit financial fraud.
Urgent action is necessary as the traces of evidence left by the attacker may only exist for a limited period of time.