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Lawyers and Law Firms

DFI Forensics has a reputation for uniquely understanding the needs of the legal community and providing the best advice with cost-effective and thorough analysis.

Our team combines a wide variety of training, experience, skill and knowledge with the best digital forensics and incident response tools to provide expert level results in every case.

We get the best digital evidence for your case and uncover the truth one byte at a time.

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Litigation Support

DFI Forensics provides expert digital forensics services to lawyers and law firms across Canada and the United States with offices in Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary and Toronto.

We believe in being a valuable partner to lawyers and law firms who will benefit from receiving the best evidence possible to assist their clients. We conduct investigations into digital devices to determine key facts like who, what, where, when and how.

Our services are often called upon by lawyers and law firms in cases involving:  criminal law; intellectual property theft by an employee of a business;  employment and labour disputes; workplace investigations; family law litigation; and in many other litigation matters.

In many other contexts, it is helpful for lawyers to have a trained, qualified and independent expert extract important evidence from a computer or mobile device so that it can be relied upon in court. For example, communication between relevant parties by way of email, text messages or communication apps like Facebook Messenger, WeChat, WhatsApp, Telegram, Signal and others as well as call logs can be vital evidence in certain cases.

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eDiscovery is the process of gathering, identifying and presenting electronically stored information (“ESI”) for disclosure purposes or requests for production in a law suit. ESI includes emails and attachments, documents, digital records, text messages, call logs, databases, and image and video files.

DFI Forensics assists in the collection, processing, searching and refining results to provide you with the most relevant and user-friendly digital evidence to use in your case.

We take care of the often frustrating technical aspects so that you can focus on providing your client with the best legal representation for their case.

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Anton Piller Orders

In an increasing number of cases, litigants are heading to Court seeking a civil search and seizure order known as an Anton Piller Order or “APO.” Anton Piller Orders are obtained on an ex parte basis and executed with little or no advance notice to the subject of the Order.

Obviously, the goal is to prevent the loss or intentional destruction of key digital evidence. While not all Anton Piller Orders involve search and seizure of electronic evidence, many do.  Often times evidence is seized from servers, computers, laptops, tablets, smartphones and digital storage media.  Devices themselves are often taken into custody.

You only get one chance to execute an Anton Piller Order and it has to go smoothly.  If not, important evidence may be lost forever. You need an experienced and well-equipped team to work efficiently in order to acquire digital evidence in the field where there is no time for mistakes.

DFI Forensics has even assisted in the drafting of the portions of the Order referring to the electronic evidence or cloud accounts being targeted, which is important for the proper execution of the Order itself. We will assist you in formulating an overall cost-effective and well planned strategy to get the evidence you need.

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